Automation & Devops solutions
Embark on a Journey with IT-AS! Discover Innovation, Embrace Transformation, and Unlock Your Business's Full Potential.
Application Automation

Including IAM, CRM, ERP, Email and collaboration tools, we can help automate processes that save you time and money.

DevOps Implementation

From CI/CD pipeline automation to container orchestration with Kubernetes, we ensure smooth collaboration between your development and operations teams.

Security and Infrastructure

With the ever growing demands of enterprise, we can strengthen the backbone of your organization.


Crafting Tech Solutions for Your Success.

Custom Designed solutions for you

We develop custom solutions tailored to your enterprise stack.

Saving you time and money

How many hours per week is your team wasting with tasks that should be automated?

Emergency response

From phishing attacks to down servers, make sure automation is helping you get back up faster.

Years of Experience

Connecting clients worldwide with reliable expertise.

Premium Services

We provide the highest level of experience and knowledge. By giving you the custom designed solutions, you have the freedom to continue building internally and saving time and money so that your team can stay focused on the more important issues.

Affordable Prices

Our pricing model is transparent, no hidden costs. Pay by the week, the month, or a long-term contract. We also have monthly maintenance plans that allow you to keep your automation updated hassle-free.

Partner with us for Enterprise solutions

Automation & DevOps is what we do. It is our niche, our specialty, our passion. Partner with us to take your team to the next level of success.

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Why Choose us

Automation & DevOps are not just about saving your team time and money, but also about providing your customers a more reliable, secure, and efficient experience.

Expertise in Technology

We have worked with most tools in the industry and are staffed with industry veterans

Tailored Solutions

No matter how complex your applications or infrastructure are, we can create custom solutions that fit your business needs.

Security You Can Trust

We make sure that we follow your internal security policy to the letter. We should accommodate you, not the other way around.

Proven Track Record

Happy clients are the key to our business model, we want to make sure we stay the go to company when automation or DevOps solutions are needed.

Get Started on Your Digital Transformation Journey.

Reach out for a free consultation to discover how IT automation and DevOps can save your team time, money, and enhance the customer experience. Whether you’re looking to automate key processes or adopt DevOps practices, IT-AS is here to help.

Customer support

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